Saturday, May 22, 2010

Love spell=Spark + Magic ??

There was this talk going on in one of our extra-curricular sessions about 'RELATIONSHIPS'.
Well, a few talked about their friends and the kind of relationships they'd had in their past and the regular crap. And then rose a gentleman amongst us and started talking about spark, magic and all that. The obscureness in his speech interested me to a good deal and moreover I strongly agreed with what he told.

This is what he told[in my own words of what I could perceive] "All may tell the various reasons for their love, and why they liked their friends, but the fact is that there’s always this spark, or hidden magic that attracts people and make them fall in love or even friendship. The magic strings each other and builds the bond." [Seemed he'd been hit by a thunderbolt like what happened to Michael Corleone due to Appollonia Vitelli in Godfather ;)] And the person who was heading the conference did not agree with him[Of course he was counselor or somebody, he's by far older than us and could easily get the dig of what the youth think] OK be that as it may...

I believe that its true to some extent[out of a personal experience happened long back ;)], you may fall just like that, what happens at that time is that, once they’re attracted, everything starts to seem more than perfect. You get blinded by the spark and you don't often see the flaws.

Okay, let's take the example of beauty [I'm not against beauty or handsomeness, I do enjoy and relish on it], the lad may be 'super-handsome' or the girl 'extremely-beautiful' but for the lack of spark, he or she maybe romantically challenged. And there are some other cases where the lad or girl may be of average looks yet the effect they have on people is highly magical.[I hope this is what he meant] All depends on how you portray yourself.
Bottom line is, people see what you show them. They can't peep into whats going on on your minds. So the way you do things tell a lot about you. Thus we shouldn't expect people to speculate and guess what you want them to guess, it won’t happen. The thing is a relationship can start with that spark or momentary fancy but to endure for a longer term that certainly has to be fed with enough love and care.
On that day I too was called to talk, but I made a fool of myself by gibbering something which meant nothing to me.[ *Ugh* What was I doing??!!??]

P.S- This post may not clearly communicate the message, because I've scrambled it with my lame words. And I didn't generalize anything.


  1. Xactly... ppl see wat u show dem..its always wise 2 show d real thing rather dan xpectin dem 2 guess it..

  2. Agree with you totally, people always fall for the spark and not necessarily for the looks only. It all depends on how you are in real life not the way you portray yourself. A person can't pretend for long, and the spark comes from within inside.. isn't it??

    i liked your introduction. its wonderfully encrypted. keep blogging.:)
