Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Rain & Rainbow"

Karan looked out of his window again. The rain seemed to have increased again. "The heavens seem to be reflecting my mind, he thought". He had lost an opportunity at a promotoin the previous day. At night, he had drowned his sorrows in two bottles of whisky. His efforts for the firm had been belittled.
A small mistake on his part, and his world had fallen down on him. He had shared the idea with his colleague, and done most of the work. Yet, the previous day, his trust was betrayed as the colleague took utmost credit leaving him a blank paper of promotion. He hads the audacity to deny it when confonted and Karan did not have anything to prove that he had done all the work. He took a sheet of paper.
I trusted some one ; I paid the price for it. The bretrayal has effected me in ways I dont know.My efforts for the firm havent been recognized. I leave this world...."he stopped writing the note. The effects of the whisky seemed to have worn off, and when he stood up, he did not sway. He took shower, and got ready for what was to him, his final day at office. He opened his umbrella and walked out.
Nearing his office, he saw the watchman's kid playing without worried in the rain. He yearned for those days, when he used to enjoy life wothoutany worry. He yearned for a world where no one would bask in his glory but him. He entered the building, closed his umbrella and went to his desk. He saw that colleague walk by.
Bastard, he cursed under his breath, I will be in a much better world soon than with you are." He saw karen, his boss's secretary approaching him. He did been in love with her for some time, but did not know how to express it. "did it matter now?" he thought.
Oh Karan, the boss wants to see you now, she said. He went. his face was expressionless and his mind calm. His boss saw him enter and in gis direct manner asked him, "KAran can you explain this code to me?" He took the sheet opf paper from his hand, saw his own idea there. He explained with ease.
Well done. Shekhar could not explain it. Its your code isnt' it?, he asked, Karan nodded. His boss gave him an envelope. He opened it to find a letter of promotion there. He thanked him and went out. Karen was smiling. She knew "karen, I am in love with you. Would you have dinner with me tonight?, he asked. She said yes, came to his side and kissed him. He smiled, went outside and started walking in the rain.
Soon, he reached home. He kept the envelope on his desk. The breeze blew away the note he'd written in the morning. The rain seemed to have stopped. He looked outside and saw a rainbow, beautifull like his life.