Wednesday, December 30, 2009


 Disclamer: Its not my imagination or thoughts ,just liked it so its on my blog

Solitude is joy.
is bliss.
is a cup of coffee in a dark cold night.
is waves smashing against the coast.
is small words that pierce, that kill, that revive, that love.
is painting tears on canvas of life.
is a galloping horse.
is a lone cloud wandering in the vastness of skies.
is the candle's feeble glow.
is twittering of a sparrow.
is an only flower in the shrub.
is the butterfly's lonesome flight.
is one kangroo in the herd of sheep.
is moon amid twinkling dots.
is desire.
is melancholy sighs.
is twists and turns.
is old photographs in dusty albums.
is cobwebs of rustic memories.
is nostalgic moments that hover in the air like house flies.
is a wet smack of cheek.
is raindrop hitting the pavement.
is letters. words. sentences.
is missing heartbeats.
is some stupid dual-meaning text messages.
is a smile that crawl on your lips.
is a random gaze caught by a stranger and dropped with a smirk.
is strange sounding names of very loved people with physical distances stretching in between.
is two people living in the radius of 200 meters and yet millions of miles apart.
is love.
is dining alone at the table of six.
is a long road, car and memories.
is thoughts.
is a whole valley, birds and stream.
is you.
is me.

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