Wednesday, September 16, 2009

....""Tow God Went Oop's.......""

I believe the reason we don't see god ever could be because god has banished himself for many many thousands of years as punishment. If he really exists, that is.
And assuming, even if hypothetically, that he exists, the reason that he would have to punish himself would be something like this..

I watched Die Hard 4.0 (Don't quite know yet why they put the .0 after the 4) yesterday and I can find myself drawing an analogy. I can't credit the film for stirring this thought in me, that I am about to share, because though it was a brilliant flick et all, I can't acknowledge it for accomplishing feats that it didn't really accomplish. It only happened that I drew that analogy 38 seconds ago with what I saw in the film yesterday.
Well, the analogy is such..

[analogy begins..]There was this person who a brilliant programmer. For people who're checking in from the Stone age and don't really know what a programmer is, don't bother wondering. Basically, there was this person who was really good at something.
[assumption]So he had this wonderful gift that empowered him to do great things. And he did some wonderful things for our benefit.[/assumption]
(Again, I use assumption tags here because I missed the first fifteen minutes of the film and can only assume he did those wonderful things in the first fifteen minutes of the film, especially because it would fit quite well with the storyline, and if that is in fact not how the film began, then the film isn't quite as good as I thought it was.)
Then one day, he did something that he thought was even more brilliant and noble and a favour to those who were watching him perform the brilliant task. Only, others who observed him thought it wasn't all that noble[/analogy] so they put a gun to his head and told him to stop performing this controversial "noble" task. If that wasn't enough, they disgraced him afterwards. That made this guy really mad. So he became evil and started trying to kill everyone and make lots of money for himself.

I ended the analogy in between the paragraph, as evident from the tags, because though god was gifted with powers to create a beautiful planet and wonderful plants, animals and fish (I don't like reptiles and I despise insects. A tortoise isn't a reptile, is it?) and then he did this horrid thing by creating Human Beings.... and the analogy ended there because no body put a gun to god's head (if he has one, if he exists) to tell him to stop and he didn't, afterwards, become evil and start killing everyone.... unless of course, he's causing Global Warming and fooling us into believing it's our fault, which I'm pretty sure isn't true. I doubt God is obsessed with making lots of money for himself because money is something we created just to point fingers and laugh at the poor people.

So after creating Human Beings and looking at what they turned out to be, he went "Oh golly!" and banished himself into a forest or an ocean (with Scuba Diving gear). Or he's probably hiding in the Himalayas, disguised as the Abominable Snowman. Or maybe he hasn't really disguised himself, and that's what he looked like all along and we just don't know.
Infinite possibilities really. But what is most likely a confirmed piece of news is that (if he exists,) he created humans, went "Oh Golly" and ran into hiding and abandonment as penance.

Why do I feel a sudden surge of hatred towards my own kind? It is probably because they're a selfish lot with inflated egos and go to any lengths to get what they want. When they see someone with something they desire, they start hurling insults and abuses at that person, thinking that they're quite quite smart when in fact, they're quite quite feather-brained.
[This post may or may not be "inspired" by anyone or anytwo or anymany in particular.... I'll leave that a mystery.] What I do maintain is that I think humans are an awful lot, only slightly better than crocodiles and more attractive than insects, though not as nice, and this is evident from how decent and kind and caring animals such as dogs are who love us unconditionally, until we pelt them with stones after which they're simply afraid of us. There are a few people who're actually very nice but they're very few and the number may be too large for
me to count on my fingers because I only have ten but possibly can be counted by god on his fingers. If he has fingers. If he exists.

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