Monday, January 25, 2010

@@@ARe You Drunk@@@

” Are you right when EVERYONE is wrong?”
This is what I thought when I realized that everyone else drinks.
They say some drink to remember, some drink to forget. But what about the person who doesn’t drink?
Isn’t there any other way to remember or forget without spoiling your body.? Yeah,  I agree that ’some’ drinking won’t spoil anything.
But when someone drinks to forget, they don’t drink ’some’. They drink until they forget how to drink..!
Even when someone drinks to remember, they just don’t remember what they did when they were drunk..!
People drink even on the dry day.! They act as if they can’t survive without alcohol..! Whisky is the favourite, Vodka comes second coz of its smell and is costlier. Beer is for the starters.
The snacks can’t be forgotten. You would at least need about 5-6 big potato chips packets. Enjoyment is a feature of these alcoholic gettos and thus its not necessary to drink it neat since there are cold drinks and soda to accompany.

These were just the props. The aftereffects??
People drink to the out-of-their-control state. And the worst part? They vomit everything out.! and its not very delightful to even watch.
What happens actually is that the alcohol when consumed burns or com-busts inside the body and when the energy produced becomes too much it comes out with everything..!
The whole getto costs about 1000-1500 INR at minimum depending upon which brand and what type of alcohol you consume. The aftereffects are mostly observable. And when you are into yourself you forget everything you did, although they are not worth remembering. They are too eeeewww… to be seen.!
But then, everyone around is ‘trying’ it out, although this is nowhere near trying out. Its gone far beyond..!
People who don’t drink are becoming less. I thought I was right, not drinking it. But then are you right, when  EVERYONE is wrong?
Its like you are surrounded by drunken people and you began to think :

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