Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"I give you.... RUSSELLLL PETERSSSSS!!!"

"Some body's gonna get hurt real bad"

Sounds familiar? Aww, too bad I cannot simulate the intonation into the words, but those who do know these famous words know exactly it sounds like! Hilarious? Or "Mind Blaaasting"??

Oh yes, that's, the one and only, the ingenious RUSSELL PETERS !!!

Are there anybody out there who doesn't yet know who he is? Seriously??!!!

Well then you are really missing something! In a way, I envy you. Because of your first time (no puns, please) with Russell Peters, he's going to knock you *bang* off your feet!

Russell Peters is a Comedian, to put it lightly. But if only that word alone could define RP. Rather RP re-defines Comedy. His website calls him 'the Comedy Superstar', we call him 'the God of Laughter'.

You won't have laughed any harder before in your life and as continuously than you would if you chance into one of his shows. Which by the way, sells out more quickly than hot cakes. I think there's a record when during a recent tour in Dubai, tickets were sold at the rate of one ticket every two seconds!! All online sales outlets crashed the moment the tickets went on sale!

So, what does RP talk about? Seems a strange question, doesn't it? What does a comedian do, of course, he cracks the jokes! But think again! This is RP we are talking about, man! He doesn't do ordinary!

The show begins with the message- "IT MAY OFFEND YOUR HERITAGE". And all he does is simply talk about people and the different breeds of them. But, lord, how he talks!

The stand-ups are based on his true observations of every kind of people, the whites, the blacks, the browns, Chinese, Canadian, Indian, American, Arabs, Spanish, Jews, of everybody, their distinctive "racial" behaviour and the way he'll present to you the most obvious yet incomparably hilarious (when you see it the RP way) will have you slumping on your seats with laughter. Like the 'seductive' way a Spaniard talks, the difference between Cantonese and Mandarin, an Indian speaking English... you won't seem to have enough of him! (please ignore the pun)

If you do not have a very strong and active sense of humor, I'll warn, rather advise you not to bag the best, front seats in the house, there's a high chance he'll pick you and rip you, rather who you are, into shreds and will have you laughing at yourself!

For those who already don't know RP, I am resisting the temptation to air some of his awesome one-liners and remarks. As RP alone does RP best! And his expressions and mimicry are integral to his quips, they are funny, crazy and priceless!

A lot of people in my country who feel offended, please RP don't mind, we also have our share of fools who do not understand good humor and the joy of being able to laugh at self. So, to set the record straight, for those with half-arsed idea of who RP actually is, you should know the saying "Little knowledge is a dangerous thing". RP is unique and if you didn't know, he doesn't spare even himself (or his family) from his own claws. Not that I would call them claws, I, for one, would be very disappointed if he missed me and my culture and heritage if I am at one of his shows.

He calls himself brown and a Canadian and an Indian, all in the same breath (RP is a Canadian-born Anglo-Indian... What is an Anglo-Indian? Why don't you ask RP, he has the best answer, even better than Wiki!). He has been doing stand up for 20 years now and has fans and following from every country and every race! The back-bone of RP's talent is his unparalleled power of observation of human nature and differences, and his ability to bring out the most inane, day-to-day events as the completely funny and insane. Best of all is his spontaneity, sometimes he even laughs with the audience at his own jokes!

He leave you breathless, he'll have you rejuvenated, he'll have you happy to be there! (again, no puns intended)
Catch his shows. For starters, do watch Outsourced and Red, White and Brown. I promise you, you haven't seen anything like it!

RP, however, has severe side-effects. And the symptoms persist for days! All of us friends have been rolling on the floor laughing our asses off for more than a week! I assure you, you too will be laughing every time you see him, wherever think about him, work, home anywhere! And yes, you'll feel good every time!

Check out YouTube for now and grab the tickets when Russell comes to your city. He's a treat to watch! A good laugh, guaranteed!

Russell Peters is one of us and yet a class apart! He's magic!!! Russell Peters is undoubtedly the best damn thing of this new century! Love you, man!

Watch out for Russell Peters!

P.S. Hey, by the way Russell, I don't think I have that Indian accent, man! :~))

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